Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing

Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing 

Most California jurisdictions have enacted 100% smoke-free multi-unit housing ordinances to protect residents and their children from the hazards of drifting smoke and fire hazards that come from tobacco or marijuana smoking or vaping.  

Contact your local health department to learn how to protect yourself and your family from second-hand smoke or fumes from tobacco or marijuana smoking or vaping. 

It is not just tobacco smoke that "cooks" your precious lungs with toxins. Check out these new resources on how marijuana, hookas, vapes all damage your respiratory system, even if you don't use these. Protect yourself from the toxic fumes of these substances!

What does the Science say about Second-Hand Marijuana Smoke?

Tobacco-Free California:

California Prop 65 Warnings on Marijuana Smoke:

Americans for Nonsmokers Rights:

Smoke-Free Housing Video Library below (scroll down). All are copyright free - just insert your local program at the end and broadcast anywhere, send the link or upload it onto your website (scroll down).  Feel free to download these videos and share them with housing managers, elected leaders and other decision makers. 

1. Smoke-Free Housing Ordinance Victory (4 minutes) support for smoke-free housing.
2. Cautionary Smoke-Free Housing Tale: Costs of Inaction.
3. E-Cigarettes and Tobacco: Fire and Pollution Prevention (advocacy support for policies).
4. Implementing Smoke-Free Apartment Policies (post ordinance training video).
5. Implementing Smoke-Free Condo Policies (post ordinance training video).

American Lung Association Report for Smoke-Free Housing

Useful Resource: for decision makers:

Change Lab Solutions Smoke-Free Housing Guide:

PSAs (below- scroll down). All are suitable for broadcast television (Resolution 1920 x 1080p) 

Smoking Related Fire Prevention PSA Chief Gray (30 seconds) 
Fire Prevention PSA Kaiser-Permanente (30 seconds)

We don't have to live with drifting smoke!

 With all the news about the increase in vaping lately, forgotten are those who live in condos or apartments who are forced to inhale vaping aerosols or other substances from neighbors. 

Low income residents, especially, do not enjoy the same smoke-free protections enjoyed by those in more affluent communities. 

This forces non- users of tobacco, marijuana or vaping to inhale smoke or aerosols and face the risk of fires from burning cigarettes or weed or fires from vaping devices. Electronic smoking/vaping devices have a tendency to explode when over-charged which is why they are not permitted on airplanes or national parks. 

Children, especially those with respiratory system vulnerabilities are most vulnerable and studies show that those in low income areas have the least protection.  With the New Year coming up, many of us are hoping that our neighbors, (whose air we share) will quit these habits. 

Those of us with less considerate neighbors hope that our elected officials will close old loopholes in the New Year so that residents of all communities will have equal protection from the health and safety risks of tobacco and marijuana smoking and vaping. 

For more information check these links:

Second-hand smoke is detrimental to adults and children:   

Numerous legal experts say that there is no constitutional right to smoke. 


The multi-unit housing industry has verified that smoke-free environments are economically beneficial to landlords:    

Low socio-economic populations and their children are disproportionately exposed to toxins from tobacco, marijuana or vaping devices and often cannot afford to relocate: 

Third hand smoke is a problem for toddlers and others who absorb particles from carpets and drapes left by former smoking tenants.

Second hand marijuana smoke is also harmful to nonusers: 

Electronic smoking devices emit harmful aerosols in addition to nicotine or THC, according to numerous studies published on the Americans for Nonsmokers Rights website. Enforcement can be confusing when jurisdictions leave loopholes; which can also confuse the public. Uniform ordinances with 100% smoke-free units have higher compliance rates and provide the greatest protection. 

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